Twisting and Shouting
Edmond cheerleading coach to be inducted into the USASF Cheerleading Hall of Fame
A UCO scholarship established to honor Edmond’s 2nd Lt. Jered Ewy who was killed in combat last year at age 33.
Read More >Special Needs Baseball League Now Forming
The Yukon Spirit League is open to all individuals with a disability. Players of all ages are welcome to participate. The deadline to enter to be placed on a team is Tuesday, April 10th.
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BEFORE & After: Nelson Lawn Service
‘Keep Oklahoma Beautiful’ has been an Oklahoma motto since 1965 and for Andy Nelson with Nelson Lawn Care & Landscaping since 1995. Nelson’s fascination with cars motivated him, at 12 years old, to mow lawns to earn money towards his first car. 18 years later, Nelson’s passion for cars is only surmounted by his passion…
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BUSINESS: Edmond Hearing Doctors
Sounds are part of everyday life. They define moments and occasions, and can also signal the possibility of danger. However, for someone who suffers from hearing loss, indistinct sounds often cause frustration that can lead to feelings of depression or isolation. Fortunately, many Oklahomans are receiving the correct testing, diagnosis and treatment through the care…
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BUSINESS: OK Institute of Allergy & Asthma
“Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain and the pollen’s high and the grass is dry and the mold comes right behind the rain” isn’t Oklahoma’s theme song but it could be for those who suffer from allergy and asthma symptoms. Thankfully, many Oklahomans are singing a different tune after being treated at…
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LOUISE: Loving Jay
April brings a birthday to my son, Jay, as well as tender thoughts on raising a child with special needs. In these 36 years there is little I haven’t experienced. I have seen the best and worst in people, from those who were afraid to touch my child, seeming to fear that Down Syndrome was…
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HOME: Where Dreams Are Born
“A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep…” – Disney’s Cinderella Many parents turn those dreams into wakeful reality in elaborate nurseries that often are the most well designed room in their home. The sales staff at Room to Dream in Northpark Mall helps turn ideas into imaginative spaces. “People will…
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SPORTS: Semi-Pro
Veteran college football coach Brian Kelly has set his sights on the Oklahoma City Diamondbacks, a semi-professional football team with a promising future and several Edmond players on the roster. The season kicked off March 3, with early wins perhaps setting a template for a successful 2012 for the team. “We kind of have an…
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ARTS: “Oklahoma Kid”
Fourth-generation Wild West showman Marty Tipton, aka “The Oklahoma Kid,” carries on the family business with style. The trick-roper and professional cowboy has performed thousands of shows across the nation, adding his own chapter to his storied pedigree with his sharp wit and a unique message. “It’s not always how fast you run in life,…
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FOOD: Roma’s Italian
The Roma family has brought one of the best parts of Italy to Guthrie — the delicious food. Born in Milan, Italy, brothers Nick and Evan Roma own and operate Roma’s Italian Restaurant, 1202 S. Division Ave., and with the help of spouses, siblings, cousins and friends, they bring true Northern Italian cuisine to Central…
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My Edmond Outlook: Ruth Rickey
Name: Ruth Rickey, Super Star Sugar Artist What made you decide to make the leap from lawyer to decorator? It was a total accident. I always loved to bake. My mom and grandmother were great bakers. I took a cake class to make a birthday cake and next thing I know, I was working as…
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Financial Peace
Today we live in a world consumed with money. Whether it’s the desire for more or the satisfaction of having it, money haunts us. And what we fear most may be not having enough to make it. The employees at Vox Printing know that fear. In fact, they overcame it. A sister company of Edmond’s…
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Innocence on Death Row
“The tears keep gushing out like torrential rain — I’m not as tough as you think I am.” These words were written by Reginald Lewis in a poem titled, “The Lyrical Life of a Dream.” It was written from his prison cell on death row. Since 1973, there have been 138 people in the United…
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Honoring a Legend
As Edmond sculptor Shan Gray first envisioned a national award to honor the late Tulsan Wayman Tisdale’s NCAA basketball legacy, he knew he wanted to try something truly special. Having already been successful in creating a national sports award in bronze, the Warren Spahn Award, Gray saw an opportunity to sculpt with an ageless quality…
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A Solid Foundation
Lynda Powell was struggling. The single mother’s difficulties ranged from the basics of food and clothing to the logistics of getting to and from work or getting through semester after semester of college. And to make things worse, she couldn’t find many resources for support. “Was it gas in the car or food on the…
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Connecting the Community
A nonprofit organization that started as a parent support group in Edmond is now helping hundreds of families affected by autism across the state. Autism Oklahoma offers advice and resources for parents of children with autism, as well as numerous social activities, including summer camps, teen, college and adult groups and an annual PieceWalk and…
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