Storage Locker Christmas Cheer
‘Twas weeks before Christmas, my stuff’s in the shed No lights or stockings were hung, only my head
It’s that time of the year when I wait for a sunny, semi-warm day and point my SUV toward my storage unit. As I navigate through the saddess genre of architecture ever built I locate my rental unit. I fumble with the lock and throw open the sash. There they are – in all their oversized tupperware container glory. The Miller family Christmas decorations. I’m feeling overwhelmed.
There’s a tub marked “tree;” another marked “ornaments;” and yet another marked “decorations.” At this moment, these are not a few of my favorite things. I’m hopeful that I can do this in one trip. But my arranging skills soon turn to jam-packing as I realize there are even more items to bring homeward – boxes of Christmas lights, a tree stand and wreaths. After several adjustments I get the tailgate to close. Sort of.
I Iock up my nearly empty storage unit and fully realize I’m paying for Christmas all year – 10 months to store it; two to enjoy it. “Let it go, Dave. Go deck the halls,” I tell myself. As soon as the tree goes up, branch by branch – I’m feeling a little less “Grinch” and little more “Elf.” It’s all turning around. By the time I’m tinseling (is that even a verb?), I’m ready to put on some holiday music.
Sadly, it’s been 3 years since I went full “Griswold” on this season. But I’m ready to do it again. I’m wrapping presents for the grandkids and I’m thinking I’m glad I did some Christmas cheer, for me and my dog and cat. Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night.