My Edmond Outlook: Brad Stone

Brad Stone












Name: Brad Stone – IT Sales, Photographer, Musician, Husband, Father and Christmas Light Enthusiast

What made you start doing this incredible light show?
We have always lit our house in some way but added automation, music,
and video last year for the first time. It combines all of my passions into one and it’s
a way of showing love for others by giving them an opportunity to build a memory
with their loved ones. It’s truly a month long celebration of Jesus’ birth.

Gotta ask, how many lights? And how long does it take to put up?
We have around 16,000 lights going into the display this year. Assembly runs most of November though planning the media elements and new features happens throughout the year.

Can you break down the audio visual and other effects you use?
We are using a product from Lightorama to control the lights via a computer. The video is
rear projected onto a 15 foot screen from the same PC. Audio is transmitted through a low
power FM transmitter allowing our guests to tune in from the warmth of their vehicle.

How much does this increase your electric bill?
We are 100% LED so we really see no increase at all. We are very
“Green” when it comes to energy consumption.

How does your display benefit foster kids? How can people get involved?
This year we are partnering with OK Foster Wishes to raise money for Christmas
gifts for the 8,000+ children in the Oklahoma Foster program. 100% of the funds
collected will go directly to their organization. (

This year your display features local recording artists?
Yes, three very talented individuals that I’ve had the privilege of performing with
over the years. I shared the idea with them and they jumped at the chance to help.
We are excited to share music this year from Dameon Aranda ( MWC),
Larry Harrison (2nd Baptist Houston), and Jami Smith (Worship Leader)

It’s rumored that the display can be seen from space? Is that true?
I’m not sure about space but think it would be amazing to see it from the air.
Now you’ve got my wheels spinning.

Are all your neighbors on board with the display?
They are good sports and though they think I’m crazy, haven’t hid my extension cords yet.

What do you do about traffic jams? Crowd control?  
Everything ran very smoothly last year. Though we don’t anticipate traffic issues
we are prepared to hire additional help if needed. The weekends are definitely
the busiest so stop by on a weeknight if you can.

And where are you located?
We are near Kelly and Waterloo in N. Edmond. Directions and a map are
posted on our website.

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