The Essence of Nature
A Native American legend tells of a wise woman who found a precious gemstone and gave it to a weary traveler. At first the traveler left rejoicing, but he soon came back and said, “I’m returning this to you for something more precious—to understand what enabled you to give me this stone.”
Living on an acreage near Guthrie, Oklahoma, is a modern-day wise woman. Elizabeth Skala, 77, has spent 25 years learning the arts of natural healing. She has traveled the world, studied ancient techniques and sat at the feet of brilliant scientists—and she shares her gemstones of knowledge with others.
Skala lives alone in a log cabin which she built for herself at the age of 62. She maintains her own garden, rides her bicycle daily, doesn’t wear reading glasses, has an impeccable memory, takes no prescription medications and hasn’t needed to visit a doctor in 23 years. Skala uses the traditional healing methods to maintain her health—herbs, essential oils, nutritional foods and massage therapies. But her handy iPad and advanced knowledge of biochemistry lend credibility to her message that healing comes from plants.
“This is not new information—it’s very old information that’s been used throughout the ages,” Skala said. “People are starting to realize the value of what was practiced by the Egyptians, the Israelites and the ancient Chinese cultures.”
Skala shares her craft by teaching a variety of classes and offering her therapies. She starts with some basic tenets of health—that people need to stay hydrated, they need to move and they need to eat nutrient-dense foods. “Let food be your medicine,” Skala said. “Right now, I have chicken bones cooking on my stove for a family member who’s recovering from a hip replacement. Bone broth is an old, but effective remedy.”
In addition to nutrition, Skala has studied other alternative healing methods, which range from acupuncture to aromatherapy. Lesser-known techniques she has used include light therapy and the ancient art of vibrational medicine. The method gaining the most attention lately is the use of healing oils.
Skeptics might label Skala as a witch doctor or a New-Ager, but she’s a God-fearing woman who is quick to point out that healing oils are referenced hundreds of times in the Bible. “There’s a reason the wise men brought frankincense and myrrh to Christ. Oils were regularly used in anointing rituals,” Skala said. ”Scientists know that oils have a small enough molecular structure to get into the cellular level. There’s nothing witchcraft about that.”
Skala shares that sentiment with several local doctors who are finding success in treating illness with essential oils. Dr. H. K. Lin, a medical researcher at the University of Oklahoma, has long-term proof that frankincense oil can kill cancer cells. In Edmond, Dr. Michael Cheng is one of two dentists in the country finding success in eliminating early-stage cavities with a blend of herbal oils.
During Skala’s twenty years of training in botanical therapies, she has become involved with Young Living Essential Oils, a company that grows, harvests and distills their own plants. They openly provide information about the uses of essential oils—topics which Skala incorporates into the classes she teaches.
Students have seen dramatic changes in their health and mental well-being after trying Skala’s therapies. One student shared her story of extreme fatigue and depression, which left her facing a lifetime of medications. Sandy Miller attended Skala’s class two years ago, and she is now medicine-free and feels twenty years younger. The effect was so profound that Miller is completing her degree in holistic health and is starting to co-teach classes with Skala.
“I had to take responsibility for my own health,” Miller said. “Our bodies can’t handle so many chemicals. We’re masking symptoms instead of listening to our bodies. Now, my medicine cabinet consists of plant-based oils—and they work better.”
According to Miller, bacteria is quickly becoming resistant to synthetic antibiotics, making it “a race between science and the super bug.” Unlike the precise recipes of prescription drugs, essential oils vary slightly in their composition because they are grown in different soil and weather conditions—making it tougher for bacteria to become universally resistant.
Both Skala and her apprentice can share endless success stories of using peppermint for headaches, lavender for insomnia or fennel for digestion. “And if an oil doesn’t work perfectly—at least you know it’s not going to harm you, either,” Miller said.
Despite Skala’s incredible health, she has no illusions about aging. She takes more rests than she used to—but one can’t deny the miracle of living an active, pain-free life in one’s seventies. This 21st century wise woman attributes her well-being to her lifestyle of nutrition, essential oils, spending time with nature…and passing along these gemstones of knowledge to others.
“It’s my mission to share that awesome healing power with others,” Skala said. “It’s wonderfully satisfying to realize how beautiful and bountiful nature can be.”
Classes will be taught at Energetic Wellness 501 E. 5th Street, Ste. 500C, Edmond. For more information about our free classes, email