My Birthday Blessing

August is my birthday month. I won’t say how many years I’ve climbed up that age ladder, but suffice to say there won’t be candles on my cake since I refuse to buy multiple boxes of them. However, that won’t curb my celebration. In fact, I have more than my birthday to celebrate this month.
My son, Jay, is one of those spirited young men who always gets up when life knocks him down— in this case, his surgery in June. Jay is recovering beautifully. In fact, as I write this article, the only part of his routine that has not happened, as yet, is his daily dance. Jay has always loved music and used to twirl around the living room as fast as a ballerina dancing pirouettes. But over the years, Jay’s knees have had problems so he dances slower, but he dances, nonetheless. He will pop his favorite Christian CD in the stereo, strap on his flexible, Velcro knee braces, and sing and dance to his heart’s content. He sings to the Lord. He sings to his daddy in heaven, and I picture the angels joining him in his praise.
So I definitely look forward to that last little hiccup in Jay’s recovery and am thankful that his oxygen saturation levels are much better. And who knows, by the time you read this article, Jay will possibly, even probably, be back to that daily dance routine.
So what more could I ask for my birthday? I am so thankful for your prayers and notes. Thankful for friends and family who have shared this latest journey with us, whether it was joining me in the ER, waiting for hours during surgery, loving on Jay, and even bringing us food and flowers. I assure you that no kindness has gone unnoticed.
And though my kids probably take my love for granted, I want to say that I am eternally grateful and forever thankful that God allowed me to be the mom of my two amazing sons, Aaron and Jay. They encourage me, challenge me, delight me, and make my heart sing.
What a beautiful birthday blessing!