In Other Words With Dave – October 2019
This past Friday we closed early and took a field trip to the State Fair. After some group pics, we ventured out to take in all the fair has to offer. Some set out for a “deep fried” taste experience. Another more daring group went for the thrill rides, and a less adventurous group headed for the exhibit hall. Alison and I went off in search of the quintessential fair cultural experience – pig races!
After making our way through the crowd, we climbed up into the grandstand and got the perfect view of the miniature oval track. Within a few minutes, we were watching a set of 4 cute little oinkers speed around the track in hopes of winning an oreo cookie. Our favorite, a piggie aptly named Kevin Bacon, won the third and final heat. We were thrilled.
Some would say we experienced enough culture for the day, not us. After a quick wardrobe change (my overalls and no shirt outfit, though extremely comfortable and well-suited for the fair, would simply not do for our next venue), we were off to the premiere performance of The Barber of Seville Opera at the OKC Civic Center.
The performances of this classic comic opera date back to the early 1800s. It was quite an experience. A full orchestra and amazing voice performances – and, of course, lots of singing in Italian – and lots of reading of supertitles (like subtitles for a movie, but for an opera – so they’re super). Alison and I really enjoyed it. By the second half of the opera, I stopped referencing the supertitles and simply followed the story by listening to the emotions of the performers.
It was a unique day. Interested in planning your own day of cultural experiences? This month there are some great events happening locally. There are Historic Ghost Tours happening downtown (more info on page 10). There’s an exhibit of Edmond’s architecture at the Edmond Historical Society & Museum called Steeples and Stones. And, Storybook Forest returns over at Arcadia Lake. Please don’t tell me there’s nothing to do around Edmond.