In Other Words With Dave

As she walks across the stage to receive her diploma, I can recall her first steps. It’s been a long strange trip. In 2004, my late wife, Sandy, and I took emergency custody of my granddaughter. She was 6 weeks old, and it was the right thing – and the best thing – to do at the time. We took her in and raised her as our own.
Grandparents raising grandkids. Nothing new, you hear of it a lot, but it was not what I had planned. Reflecting back, I count those times we had together as some of my best memories. She was a joy to raise. Funny, loving, and kind.
As the years went by, this little girl and her mom were able to re-engage again – eventually living full-time with her mom. Those times were bittersweet, but it really was what we had hoped for.
This little girl just turned 18 years old last month and is now graduating high school. Wow. She still lives here in Edmond, and I am super proud of her. She’s a smart kid and heading to UCO in the Fall.
She’s had an interesting path growing up and hopefully, her experiences will continue to shape her for the better. They shaped me. I miss her, but I know I gave her a solid foundation of love and security. It was an honor to help raise her.