Did You Know?

Did you know that the EdmondOutlook Magazine is broken up
into eight different departments? Arts & Entertainment leads the
way with articles featuring creative artists, inspired sculptors, rising
musicians and local entertainers. Letters from Louise
is written by award-winning author and speaker Louise Tucker Jones. This local
mother of four and grandmother of three writes about her life, her loves, and
the lessons she’s learned along the way. The Sports
department is right behind it filled with adrenaline pumping stories on active
Edmond athletes, popular local sports programs as well as professional teams
and players. Our special Dining Guide
department features a different local eatery each month and also highlights
several other restaurants under an ever changing theme such TOCas sushi, burgers,
pizza, barbecue, and more.

Next up is our most popular department – Home & Garden.
Here you’ll be able to peek into the decorating secrets of Edmond with trendy
stories and eye-catching photos of wall treatments, countertop trends, outdoor
living tips, and luscious gardening ideas. The Fine
department follows with tales of extravagance and
distinction. Topics include everything from wine tastings and fine cigars to
classic cars and how to build a backyard oasis. 
Wellness is also an important topic these days and is covered in our Health & Fitness department. Keys to healthy
nutrition, stress management, features on leisure sports and advice from the
experts are all found here. And last, but definitely not least is our Around Town department. Families and socialites alike are often
flipping to this section to find something to do around town each month. Among
our highlighted local events are open houses, plays, gallery shows, and
business briefs.

The Edmond Outlook magazine is direct mailed to 50,000 homes
and businesses for FREE every single month. Because our mailing list is
inclusive rather than exclusive, the demographic is wide, and so is the appeal.
If you would like to suggest a story idea, please contact Managing Editor,
Rebecca Wulff. If you’d like to submit an event for the Around Town section,
click here. Or if you’re interested in connecting with 50,000+ readers through
advertising, please contact Account Executive, Laura Beam or call 405-341-5599.

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The Edmond Outlook is a monthly full-color, glossy magazine devoted to the Edmond area. Each exciting edition captures the vibrant personalities and interesting stories that define and connect us all.

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