DAVE: A Hobby that Goes Crunch
As I look through household purchases over the last month I see someone has a new hobby. I see quite a few purchases from Bed, Bath & Beyond. Hmm… a Nutribullet, new knife set, dehydrator, cutting boards, a high-end skillet. Someone’s getting into cooking.
Okay, its me. I’ve become a chopping, slicing, dicing, organic food fanatic. No, I haven’t gone vegan yet. By the way, how do you know if someone’s a vegan? Don’t worry—they’ll tell you. (I’ve heard you can say that about Crossfitters too).
For most of my life my diet consisted of processed and prepared food. My idea of a well-balanced meal was a 16-ounce prime rib and an after dinner cigar, but my wife’s commitment to healthier eating has finally taken hold. And like any hobby I get interested in – it doesn’t take me long to go extreme with it. Lately I’ve been preparing raw meals. Sure, research, shopping and food prep for raw foods may take more time but I find it enjoyable and the rewards are tasty.
Plus, I’m finally starting to shed those extra pounds I could never lose and I’m sleeping better at night because my body is not working so hard to digest meals like that prime rib. If I sound obsessed, it’s because I am obsessed. With feeling better.
Don’t worry, I haven’t given up on my other obsessive hobbies. In fact I’m taking my little car out to the racetrack this weekend. I think it’s fair to wager that between sessions I’ll be the only driver noshing on raw zucchini noodles and creamy avocado pesto.