Ask Edmond: What’s your favorite thing to do in Edmond during the summer?

Ask Edmond

Eriech Tapia
Director of Communications at VIP Insurance, Ph.D student at OU

Summertime is for the outdoors. I enjoy everything from running to Heard on Hurd or grilling up delicious food. It is the best season. An interesting thing I enjoy doing during the summer, which few do, is to hang my clothes out on a clothesline. My grandmother did the same thing. The neighbors don’t mind. It’s a ritual that I enjoy, and it saves money along with my clothes lasting longer. Slowing down and watching clothes dry can be one of the best things in the summertime.

Jaydee Knox
Stylist & UCO Student

Summertime is my favorite because it’s a time I can spend outside with friends and bring my dog along. Anytime the weather is nice, you can find us on a patio with our sweet dog Nala enjoying good food and music. We like to venture out to Bleu Garten during the day and at night time we love going to Pops. Watching the huge Pops bottle change colors while drinking unique and random sodas is the perfect way to spend a summer evening.


Chad Bennett
President & CEO of Infinity Staffing

My wife and I and our four kids love living in Edmond especially during the summer time. My wife actually grew up just around the corner from where we live now. We all enjoy spending time together at Hafer Park. The kids love going to swim at Pelican Bay and my wife and I equally enjoy watching them have a blast. My family also enjoys venturing out to Heard on Hurd occasionally to eat the awesome food.

Denise Shaw
Owner & Instructor at You Power Yoga

I like to do yoga — INSIDE because: bugs and allergies and mud! I also like to lounge at the pool and sit on the back porch with my husband, watching the Oklahoma sky. In the summer I really enjoy eating at restaurants with patios or scarfing down my husband’s excellent steaks cooked on the grill!

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