Weddings and Showers

Summer is definitely a popular time for weddings. Always has been. My son, Aaron, and wife, Amy, had a lovely, summer wedding 28 years ago. So much fun!
But today’s nuptials and wedding showers are quite different from the ones I grew up with. In fact, by today’s standard, the ceremonial vows my late husband and I shared might be considered a “destination wedding,” since it took place at an Army chapel just hours before Carl was deployed.
And there were no “gift registries” when I got married. The ladies at my church and Carl’s church got together and gave me a wedding shower while Carl was overseas. Actually, you did register for one thing—china selection! I chose a beautiful earthenware pattern. My mother thought I should have chosen something fragile and fancy. I preferred practical and pretty. She also felt I should have chosen something less expensive, fearing I wouldn’t receive many of those dishes. I figured I might at least get two place settings just for Carl and me and that was fine. Surprise! I got most of that set (bought the rest later) and still use those dishes today.
But most of our gifts consisted of towels, sheets, cookware, bowls, and other essential items. After setting up our household in a small, furnished duplex, I was definitely thankful someone thought to purchase a can opener, hand mixer, and flatware. Necessities! But some of my favorite items were not expensive in price. My mother and Carl’s mom saved a set of glassware from laundry detergent. Yep, a glass in each box. We had a set of 8 goblets, 8 tumblers, and 8 juice glasses. Silver leaf pattern. And a gift I especially held dear was a wedding ring quilt my grandmother made for us. I still have that beautiful, lovingly worn quilt on a stand near my bed.
Today, I actually appreciate online registries when purchasing a wedding gift, but I also hope the bride and groom have the fun of opening surprise gifts that were never on their list. And I definitely hope someone gifts them with a can opener!