Mama’s Love!

May brings thoughts of mothers and I had one of the best. This is my first Mother’s Day without her as well as without my son, Jay. The two were buddies so I’m sure they’re celebrating together in Heaven.
Mama was 105 years old! What a heritage she had to tell and I loved hearing it. But Mama also lived in the present, enjoying church, country music and family. She doted on all of her grandkids but she had a special bond with Jay, my youngest.
I never knew my mother was uncomfortable around people with disabilities so she had a lot to learn when Jay was born with Down syndrome. She loved him dearly but had no idea how to relate to his special needs.
I encouraged her with suggestions and reading material, but the one who helped her most was Jay. He became her mentor. Jay’s vivacious personality, his smile, hugs and unconditional love helped my mom not only overcome her own insecurities but to eventually become an advocate for others with special needs.
When Mama came to spend several weeks with us after my dad died, Jay loved her back to emotional health. He hugged her, held her when she cried, patted her and told her it was okay. Then he would tease her—which is something Mama normally didn’t like—but Jay did “joyful teasing” until his grandmother would laugh. They bonded over and over through the years.
So of course, when my courageous son, Jay was lying at Heaven’s door for weeks in ICU, my beautiful mother silently slipped into Heaven during her sleep one Sunday morning so she could be at Heaven’s gate when her precious grandson arrived just 24 days later.
That Sunday morning happened to be Mama and Daddy’s 89th wedding anniversary. Since Mama always loved a celebration I think the Lord decided it was time for my parents to have an anniversary waltz on streets of gold then join Jay’s daddy and Jesus at those gates of pearl to welcome my sweet son into Glory.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mama! Take care of my boy!