In Other Words with Dave
People-watching is one of my favorite pastimes. One of my favorite places to people-watch is at POPS on Route 66 in Arcadia. Sometimes I ride up there, and sometimes I drive up there. I enjoy watching families make seemingly the most important decision of their lives as to which grape soda they’re going to enjoy the most. Which is understandable because there are dozens of them. Me, I just grab some variety of lemon-lime soda and just hang out. There are lots of car clubs that meet up there, so there’s always something to check out.
If you like people-watching on overload, check out Heard on Hurd. If you can, grab a table outdoors or bring your own lawn chair and watch the people eat, visit, maybe even dance a little. And as a bonus, Heard on Hurd, is a dog-friendly event, so if you are into dog-watching, and people-watching – this is the event for you. Of course, you have to brave the crowds.
So maybe staying home is more your thing. There’s no need to be left out of your Edmond people-watching. Every other Monday, our Edmond City Council meets, and the meeting is streamed live. There’s a wonderful portion of the event, called “open discussion” that rarely disappoints. These are our neighbors, highlighting important topics – and their important opinions about city government. Truly more than just people-watching – it’s an opportunity to learn more about our wonderful city, with a generous side of entertainment.