DAVE: What I Learned in 2016
I can find the humor in almost everything. Even in a year of loss and grief, I’ve found reasons to smile. Here’s to 2016 and some stuff I learned…
- Interesting facial hair doesn’t necessarily make you interesting
- If you live alone, there’s no one to give you the Heimlich maneuver (scary moment)
- People you love may die but you must go on
- Friends can help you get through sad times. Thanks Kevin, Tim and Andrew
- Turns out I like convertibles (so I bought one)
- The only way to deal with mean people and keep your sanity is to heap love on them
- People can and will flock to downtown Edmond. Thanks Heard on Hurd
- I can play video poker and not become addicted to gambling
- You are never too old for a PlayStation 4
- It’s totally valid that I’m leery of people who use the word “hence”
- Going on coffee dates in your 50s is really strange
- I should have bought property on 5th street when I had the chance
- I need help with my fashion choices (some pants CAN have too many pockets)
- Less management is better management
- Walking is an excellent form of meditation
- It’s okay to spend more money than you should on experiences
- Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen and Elvis Costello are awesome in concert
- I’m more of a touring motorcycle guy than a sportbike guy
- I can go a year without eating bread
- Mid-century furniture makes me happy
- There’s enjoyable sushi eating experiences beyond California rolls
- Not only can I keep plants alive, they actually thrive with regular watering (I once watered a plastic cactus for a year)
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