A LOOK Back: A Love Story for the Ages
Quimby Enterline of Piedmont met and married his sweetheart, Margaret Valeriani, while he was stationed in England in 1945. Because of the war, their early communication in 1945 and 1946 was often in the form of love letters. Margaret wrote: “Honey, I miss you so terribly, at times it’s almost unbearable, and I have had a hard job to keep an even temper…. I must say how thrilled I am at the thought you may be able to get a pass [to come home]…I’ve been meeting about three trains a day just in case you came.” Once the war ended, Quimby was discharged. He returned to Oklahoma, but it was five months before Margaret could catch a ship to America and her beloved husband. The Enterlines were very active in Edmond, and their 43 years together are still remembered as a life-long love story.