A Dream Takes Flight

Clear skies and winds below 10 miles per hour are the only requirements for Jessica’s definition of a perfect Edmond day. If a hot air balloon is spotted soaring above our city, it is likely Ladybug. Jessica Freeman owns this balloon along with a miniature balloon, Little Dreamer. Jessica is a co-owner of Visionary Balloonworx.
Ladybug is an aptly named bright red balloon that is 54,000 cubic feet with a basket that holds two people. Ladybug was Jessica’s first balloon and has been on hundreds of flights. Little Dreamer is a miniature balloon that is 3,000 cubic feet and its basket can hold a stuffed animal. This balloon is a great introduction for kids who may be overwhelmed by the noise and sound of a full-sized one. Their newest balloon, Visionary, is a balloon with a custom design that is a patchwork of vibrant colors. Visionary is ideal for private tours and “balloon glows”; its yellow and orange shine against the night sky.
Rising by Lifting Others
Jessica always dreamed of floating high above it all in a hot air balloon. Her first ride was over Lake Hefner. Once she was back on the ground, she couldn’t wait for the next opportunity to soar. Visionary’s owner is a certified private pilot and will soon complete his commercial license. Jessica is not far behind.
Jessica says, “Steerage of the aircraft begins before your feet even leave the ground when determining the primary direction of the wind. From there wind speed in flight duration will determine the area you could potentially land.” When asked what their favorite landing spot is, Jessica laughs, “I don’t have one! I’ve never landed in the same spot twice. A clear and open field, ideally accessible by truck, is the only requirement.”
Joy Flying High
A “splash and dash” is a hot air balloon maneuver for the skilled pilot, it demonstrates the control needed to make the balloon rise and fall. Jessica tells a story of a splash and dash that alarmed onlookers, “They thought we were falling to the ground, but we were in total control.”
Jessica is ten-plus years sober and compares her sobriety journey to a hot air balloon ride. “Fighting causes resistance, you just have to go with it,” Jessica adds that she experiences ultimate peace when she’s in the balloon. Jessica dreamt of sharing the experience with others and will begin offering tours and rides to the public through her company Visionary Balloonworx.
The hot air balloons often draw a crowd. “Kids point and are delighted to see us wave back,” Jessica says. Visionary Balloonworx’s motto is “We Rise by Lifting Others”. She desires to bring the joy of hot air balloons to her Edmond community.
To learn more visit Facebook @VisionaryBalloonWorx.