A Calling to Create: Piper B Studio

“It all started about 12 years ago,” Piper Bridwell explained. “I was a stay-at-home mom with a new baby, unsure of how our finances were going to unfold. I was rocking my baby when the Lord spoke to me.”
With no prior experience, Piper says she felt called to start updating old furniture to sell. “I’d always been creative, but at the time I didn’t really know what was inside of me. I just knew I needed a change of career, and I decided to obey, taking that leap of faith.”
Piper started by transforming antique furniture finds into funky pieces that sold quickly. “Everything I posted was selling right off the bat, and it became very clear that I was following the right path.”
After several years of successfully breathing new life into secondhand pieces, Piper sought something fresh. “I was doing a lot of commissions and missed the creativity that I started with.
So I got a canvas – not knowing how or what to do – and just started painting it on my dining room table.”
Brush in hand, Piper’s excitement was rejuvenated. Still, her confidence was a few steps behind. She says imposter syndrome is very real, and took a lot of practice and finished pieces for that feeling to fade.
“To gain confidence, you just have to spend a lot of time on it, experimenting and trying new things,” she said. “An artist I admire once told me to pick a piece that excites me, and then paint ten more of them. Then pick the best of those, and do it again.”
Piper’s persistence paid off. Now her work can be found in 17 countries, characterized by beautifully blended colors and thick textures, each piece made to send a meaningful message. “I pray my work touches people’s hearts, either through an emotion it strikes, or the words that are sometimes in the paintings.”
As much as Piper loves the art, she says she enjoys people more. “I love connecting with my clients,” she said. “It’s incredible the people who will walk into the studio thinking they’ll stay for ten minutes, and then an hour has passed. We sometimes end up in tears, talking and sharing stories or special meanings behind one of the paintings.”
While she isn’t sure what the future of her artistic journey will hold, she says she has faith in the process. “I have this yearning in my heart for more,” Piper said. “Whether it’s honing my style, or creating larger scale artwork, I have a peace about following this calling.”
Explore Piper’s work at piperbstudio.com or follow her journey on Instagram @PiperBStudio.