What Are Publications Really Counting?

With over 10 years in management and marketing, I know numbers. And sometimes, the numbers just
add up.

Did you know most newspapers quote
“readership” by figuring the average number of readers per issue to be
2.5? That’s
right. They increase their actual circulation by 1.5 and include that
number in
their quote!

In actuality, you’re only reaching
one home for every 2.5 publications! Make sure your marketing dollars
the best bang for your buck by going to as many homes as possible in
target area. Once you know the true facts on how many home addresses are
reached, you can better assess the lowest cost per household. If you’re
considering advertising with another publication, ask for proof of
printing and distribution.

Edmond Outlook is direct-mailed,
meaning it is actually delivered to a tangible and verifiable number of
home owners
– 50,000 of them! Sure, they may share it with a neighbor – but wait, the
neighbor already got one too! So we don’t inflate our numbers by 2.5…
just no reason to when you reach so many!

If you’re interested in advertising in Edmond Outlook or would like a rate card, contact Laura Beam by calling (405) 341-5599 or email laura@edmondoutlook.com.

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