Women of Wellness: Refresh Refocus and Renew
The Wellness Revolution has begun and Women of Wellness, an organization which focuses on proactive steps to achieve a healthier, happier and more balanced lifestyle, is inviting Edmond ladies to be part of a new generation of women through nutritional, physical, spiritual and emotional wellness.
For the third consecutive year, Women of Wellness (WOW) is hosting a luncheon to help busy women "Refresh, Refocus and Renew" the healthy person inside of them.
"Most women are pulled in many different directions everyday," said Sharyl Brimacombe, founder of Women of Wellness. "When a woman's health declines her family is affected, her home suffers and her world becomes more challenging. That is why as women we must take care of ourselves, to be able to take care of others."
Brimacombe believes women truly want to be healthy and certainly want the best for their families but time is a factor in researching what is really good for the body. Her goal is to encourage and teach women how to help themselves and their families to live healthy lives.
Having hosted two luncheons in the past, Brimacombe says each WOW event gets better and better. Health-focused companies such as OKC Organics, Jon Ric International Spa, Jamba Juice, OK Runner, River Oaks Golf Club, and Edible Arrangements sponsor this year's event.
"We are thrilled to have such reputable companies backing Women of Wellness," said Brimacombe.
Held at beautiful River Oaks Golf Club, guests of the Women of Wellness luncheon will enjoy a fresh, organic salad, a healthy soup and a decadent dessert. They will also be encouraged and entertained by five top, experienced experts on Health and Wellness.
Robin Marsh, News 9, will encourage ladies to seek "Emotional Wellness" in their lives while Dr. Ashleigh Muse of OKC Organics will give tips about "Nutritional Wellness."
Sherry Roberts will explain ways women can have better "Physical Wellness" and Kay Morton P.A., will share information about "Cellular Wellness." Susan Porter will present musical entertainment that enhances "Spiritual Wellness."
Brimacombe worked as a beautician for twenty-two years, helping women find the right hairstyle and color along with teaching them how to take care of their hair. She enjoyed helping women feel good about themselves.
However, a couple of years ago one of her close friends went through a devastating medical diagnosis–the onset of pancreatic cancer. "Her cancer marker tumor test was elevating each month and her pain level was becoming unbearable," said Brimacombe.
It was during this time that her friend was introduced to advanced cellular nutrient products that changed her life. Within months, the pain was gone and the cancer marker tumor test returned to normal.
"That got my attention," said Brimacombe, who was not only concerned for her friend but for many of her clients. As a beautician, she heard about numerous health issues.
After her friend's recovery, Brimacombe shared the information with some of her clients who had major health challenges such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and migraine headaches. They also began to recover.
At this point Brimacombe took it upon herself to do some research and found the purpose of the advanced cellular nutrient product was to allow the body to repair itself. The more she studied, the more she wanted to share. Eventually, she became a Certified Glyconutrient Wellness Consultant and founded the Women of Wellness Organization.
"Women tend to take care of everyone else first and themselves last," said Brimacombe. "There are so many demanding tasks through the day that need our attention. But if we nourish our body, mind and spirit first, we are physically, spiritually and mentally ready to help others as we are called to do every day."
Brimacombe uses the example of the flight talk that people hear each time they board a plane. "We are told to place the oxygen mask on ourselves first, then take care of our children. We have to do the same in our daily lives."
Through Women of Wellness (WOW), Brimacombe wants to educate women and their families on the importance of vital nutrients for their bodies to function correctly. She encourages women to take care of themselves nutritionally, physically, spiritually and emotionally in order to be the best they can be.
The WOW motto is: Take Steps. Make Changes. Feel the Difference.
The Women of Wellness luncheon will be held July 15th at River Oaks Golf Club, located east of I-35 off Hefner, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Only 100 seats are available and the cost is $15 per person.
To purchase tickets or for more information visit the website, www.Womenofwellness.org or contact Sharyl Brimacombe at 405-415-5377 or sharyl@womenofwellness.org.