Unpacking the Boxes
Moving is never easy, and many women need a little extra support to thrive in their new home. The Unpacking the Boxes class at Memorial Road Church of Christ offers a safe, welcoming space for women who are new to the Edmond/OKC area.
Forging Connections
The leaders of Unpacking the Boxes know what it’s like to be the new girl. They’ve all been through a move, too. Now they’re committed to helping others navigate this tough transition.
“The class was a game changer for me,” says former coordinator Amy Chapman, who enrolled in Unpacking the Boxes eleven years ago. “It gave me a chance to connect with other women who were going through the same thing.”
Moving Forward
The free ten-week class features speakers who address different challenges of moving, such as, overcoming loneliness, finding contentment, and helping children adjust. Representatives from community organizations share ways for newcomers to plug in. The program offers plenty of chances for women to get to know each other, from potlucks to show-and-tell times to a Christmas brunch. “We share a lot of laughter and the friendships that form are amazing,” says Amy.
The class is faith based, but it’s not a Bible study or religious program. The focus is on helping newcomers form connections. All women in the community are welcome, and participants range from young singles to grandmothers.
“It takes courage to step into a building where you don’t know anyone,” says Amy. “We appreciate the ladies who take that chance and come. It always pays off.”
Unpacking the Boxes will meet Wednesday mornings, September 8th through November 17th, at Memorial Road Church of Christ, 2221 East Memorial Road, Edmond. Free childcare is available for children age five and under.
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