Top 10 Reasons to Shop Edmond, Oklahoma
1. You save money! Yes, Edmond, OK’s sales tax is 7.75%, which is less than sales tax in most surrounding cities.
2. You support local merchants who contribute to local fund raising and pay property taxes that help fund our outstanding public schools!
3. You help keep Edmond safe! Sales tax supports our police and fire departments. If a police officer or fire fighter comes to assist you, he won’t send you a bill for his services. These operations are funded through sales tax dollars. If you shop in another city, you help pay for public safety there instead of here in Edmond.
4. You help maintain the wonderful quality of life here! Your sales tax supports our parks, trails, recreation programs and venues like Festival Market Place and the Mitch Park Amphitheater.
5. You support community organizations and social service agencies that help those in need. City of Edmond sales tax helps support the Hope Center, Edmond Mobile Meals, Edmond Family Services, UR Special and many other caring agencies.
6. You help create jobs! You support businesses that employ your friends and neighbors.
7. You can find what you are looking for right here in Edmond, Oklahoma. We have a variety of retail and service stores, specialty shops, gift stores, boutiques, art galleries, and antiques.
8. You minimize your carbon footprint when you shop locally rather than driving into other cities. Yes, you can shop and be environmentally-friendly!
9. You invest in Edmond’s future. Local Edmond businesses have a vested interest in the future of our community!
10. You help Edmond maintain its uniqueness! Edmond has dozens of businesses that have been part of our community for years and contribute to our own special culture and character.