Super Moms
I had planned to write a tribute to mothers in general for my May column then “life” happened. On an April Sunday, my son, Jay twisted his knee badly and fell. When I got to him, he was ghost white and clammy. Since he has a history of syncope, I got him flat on the floor with oxygen so he could breathe with the pain. Jay has had bad knees for years and wears flexible Velcro braces, but didn’t have them on at that time.
By morning the knee was swollen and too painful to walk so I grabbed the “transport” wheelchair that I keep for such occasions and carted him around, assuming he would use his walker for a day or two then life would go back to normal.
However, the next day Jay also complained of a sore throat, and by the time we had a virtual visit with the doctor, Jay was vomiting and diagnosed with strep. By Wednesday evening I had him at the ER for IV fluids since he could keep nothing down.
Oh, and did I mention it was his birthday? What a way to celebrate! Thankfully, the IV fluids stopped the vomiting but the knee required an ER visit to McBride Orthopedic Hospital. As I write this, Jay still cannot put weight on his leg and was recently fitted with a hip to ankle knee mobilizer so we continue with the wheelchair. Believe me, I have a new respect for moms who do this on a regular basis. Lifting your child onto a chair, a bed, or whatever on a daily basis is difficult. God bless you and your back!
I’m praying Jay will soon be back to dancing and singing to his Christian music. But I salute the moms who daily care for and advocate for their challenged children, whether it be for your child’s health, school, speech, church, dance, sports, or even with friends. Please know you have a kindred spirit in me. The journey is sometimes hard but blessings abound in our kids with special needs.
Happy Mother’s Day to those whom I call “Super Moms.” You are a Blessing!