So Far Good
This month, the Edmond-based rock band So Far Good will be releasing its first E.P. (a sample CD with a few songs). It is a big step for the band and fans are excited to have something to listen to away from their shows. Matt Eldridge comments about the band members.
"We are just five dudes who love music and like to enjoy life to the fullest," said the 17-year old guitarist and vocalist for the band.
Other members are 18-year old singer, Joe White of Norman; 17-year old guitarist and vocalist, Daniel Weaver originally of Bakersfield, California; 17-year old bassist, Brandon Dale of Oklahoma City and 16-year old drummer, Patrick Eldridge. The Eldridge brothers hail from Dayton, Ohio. The guys met while in middle school and are now enrolled at Edmond Memorial High School.
"Matt and Patrick, of course, have known each other for a while," the band members joked about the brothers.
The guys have been performing together for three years. When asked where the inspiration to form a band originated, nearly every member had a different story.
"I wanted to be like Tom Delonge from Blink 182 because I thought he was so cool back in middle school so that's initially what made me decide to learn guitar," Matt said. "After Brandon started playing bass we decided to try and get a band together. We walked up to Daniel at school and pretty much said, ‘So I hear you play guitar…cool, you wanna make a band?' After that we immediately started practicing in Daniel's living room."
White, who has been in a few other bands, said Dale saw him performing at a party and asked him to try out for the newly forming group.
"So I dropped my croquet classes, packed a pair of underwear and socks and joined the band," White said.
Patrick, who admitted he is the only drummer the other band members knew, said he began playing around the time his older brother and Dale began the band.
"So they decided to let me join," Patrick said.
The band's name has a story as well. White explained that Dale came up with it one day while he was on the Internet. The three words were in the sentence he was typing and the name sprang from there.
"There is a great universal meaning behind those three words and when we think of it we'll let you know!" White added.
So Far Good's five members say "everyone and everything" have influenced them. White added that one of his favorite television shows often inspires the writing of the band's songs.
"A good Grey's Anatomy episode gets me every time. I just feel the need to write after seeing McDreamy save the day," he joked.
On a more serious note, White explained that the band puts a great deal of time and thought into each song they write. All the members work together during the writing process and they can make one idea into an entire song.
"We aren't the kind of band that puts a bunch of notes together with a few cliché lyrics and calls it a song," White said. "There is a lot of meaning behind the lyrics."
The guys have differences of opinions when it comes to their favorite songs, but White explained that his favorite depends on the mood of the audience.
"I run on the crowd's enthusiasm. They bring the songs to life," he said.
Because of the recent "Fight for Fame" competition, the guys have played several shows at the Bricktown Ballroom. They say they will play just about anywhere. One night they might be playing at a venue in Bricktown and the very next night they might be appearing in a grandma's backyard. They are even willing to travel.
"A shout out to all touring bands-if you would like a nicely groomed band to take out on tour with you as an opening act, we would love to fill the part!" Matt said.
So Far Good has played for crowds as large as 700 people and the band's fan base is as diverse as the guys' sense of humor.
"You would think that our music would appeal more to the younger people, but it's funny because we always hear from our friends that their moms listen to us all the time," Matt said.
Thanks to the support of these loyal fans, the band made it to the final four in the "Fight for Fame" competition. They are not happy about losing, but they are very grateful for those who showed their support during the battle-of-the bands-type event.
"We like to think of our fans more like our friends. We aren't some kind of band that thinks that we are the greatest thing that's ever happened to the world since creamy peanut butter," Matt said. "We truly appreciate their support whether it be coming out to a show, buying one of our T-shirts, or simply just listening to our tunes."
For more information on So Far Good, visit their website at along with their myspace page at or e-mail them at