Print is Making a Comeback
I recently read an article titled Seven Reasons Print Will Make a
Comeback in 2011. Great title! (Of course I’d say that since I work for
a magazine). In this day and age, there
are lots of people out there telling business owners to ignore print marketing.
But like the article states, “even in the era of iPads and Apps, there is still
a role for print.”
It brought to my attention the drop in mailers, print
newsletters and flyers that I’ve been getting in the mail these days. With
everyone believing social media is the only way to go, there’s less mail. With
less mail, there’s more attention paid to each piece of direct mail.
Opportunity? Absolutely.
Did you know the Edmond
Outlook magazine “direct mails” to over 50,000 Edmond homes and businesses
every single month? And our advertisers
know it’s well-read. Just read the testimonials.
We don’t exclude certain areas, demographics, or neighborhoods to help sell
ads. We include the entire community – everybody is welcome to read and enjoy.
In fact, the Edmond Outlook delivers to more people in Edmond than all the
other Edmond publications COMBINED. It’s our objective to create a magazine
that ‘sticks to the coffee table’ well beyond the month it’s delivered. The
same can be done for your business’ direct mail postcards or brochures. Our
team of expert designers have lots of ideas, so give us a call!
Krystal Harlow
Advertising Director
Edmond Outlook Magazine