Please Pray for Jay


My column this month is not my norm. It concerns the health of my son, Jay, who has Down syndrome, a communication disorder, and severe heart disease. Doctors never gave us hope of seeing this child live into adolescence, yet here he is turning 43 years old on April 7th. I call it a miracle. 

Jay delights me every day with his singing and dancing and his daily trip to Sonic for a Coke. Doesn’t want a burger, fries or ice cream. Just a medium-size Coke to keep him company while he watches a little “Gunsmoke” on TV at home.

But right now, Jay’s health is in jeopardy. For almost a year we have dealt with infections and major dental issues. He is in pain at times and needs extensive dental surgery even though anesthesia is a risk to his life. Therefore, he requires a hospital setting—OU Medical—with a cardiac anesthesiologist and cardiac backup team. 

The dentist being considered for this surgery estimates a 4-5 hour procedure or longer—too long under anesthesia. I’m praying she can accomplish what is needed in 2 hours or less, lessening the risk of anesthesia. At the time of my writing, an exact date has not been set but will likely be mid-April.

As you probably suspect, I am frightened. I have wept and prayed for months over this situation. I have begged God for healing and mercy for Jay, and I trust He will answer that prayer. My husband went to heaven 7 years ago, so I feel a huge responsibility as a single parent of a challenged adult child. I pray diligently for direction for myself and for medical personnel.

Over the years, I have enjoyed receiving email from readers. Some especially love Jay. So today, I ask you to pray for a miracle of healing for my son. Pray for protection during surgery, for a remarkable recovery and even a Happy Birthday.

Thank you for your faithfulness in following my column and for the kind notes you send. And thank you immensely for prayers for my son. Jay is such a beautiful blessing! 


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