MY OUTLOOK: Giblet the Great

Giblet the GreatWhere are you from?

I magically appeared from the
lower 40 of the Cross Timbers Forest.

How long has the Turkey Trot
been going on? What is new this year?  

This will be our 4th year and we
are so thankful that it just gets bigger and better! A couple of new happenings
to announce this year: first, we are offering a $10 registration for all
school-age children for the one-mile wobble. We love to see kids and families
exercising together! Second, we are joining other trots around the country in
an attempt to set a new Guinness World Record for the largest multi-venue
running event to take place in one day. How cool is that!

What’s your favorite part about
the Turkey Trot? Wow, I have at least three favorites!

I like all of the smiling faces!
I like that all of the proceeds go to Turning Point Ministries to help create
affordable housing in Edmond! And, I like the cool music that the DJ plays!

Who is this event for?  

We welcome all ages of runners
and walkers. Strollers, festive costumes, and friendly dogs on a leash are also
encouraged to attend!

Will there be other activities
or events featured? If so, what?

Another one of my favorite
things about the event is the “Ham It Up” costume contest. The best Turkey Trot
costume will win a delicious prize. So ham it up!  

Will you be running the 5K, or
simply doing the wobble?

Oh I’ll be going the distance
this year. I’m actually throwing out a racing challenge to Rumble the Bison. I
hope he shows up!  He thinks he’s so cool because he gets his hair done
before all of the Thunder games and he gets to shoot the big t-shirt gun and
all. I’ve got news for him, this Turkey can Trot!

How many people normally come
out to race? Do many people dress up in costume?

Last year we had over 2,000
participants, an Edmond record! We’re thrilled that the number of costumes
keeps growing each year! Large families are now coordinating their own shirts
and funny hats. Kids are dressing up and acting goofy.  

Do you prefer stuffing or

Let’s cut to the chase, I prefer
pumpkin pie with whipped cream… after running at the Edmond Turkey Trot, of

Ben Franklin thought that the
North American wild turkey should be the national bird. Are you a little upset
the Bald Eagle stole the namesake?

You know, I’ve never met an
eagle I didn’t like. I’m happy for them. They’ve got that big wingspan working
for them and they always have the best jokes when we meet up at Arcadia Lake
for the annual fish fry.  

Do you think you will get that
presidential pardon this year or are you a little worried?

My people are talking to their
people. Carpe diem, my friend. We turkeys live every day like it’s our last
because it very well could be!

In case you don’t get the
pardon, any last words? 

Support a great cause on
Thanksgiving morning and register now at

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