My Edmond Outlook: Vivian Chen, Santa Fe High School
Name: Vivian Chen, Santa Fe High School
National Honor Society President and National Merit Scholar Finalist
Edmond Resident Since:
You were recently named National Merit Semi-Finalist and now Finalist. How did you become a candidate for this national honor?
My parents really influenced me and supported me. They made sure I had my priorities straight. It’s challenging, but I focused and worked toward meeting the requirements, and that meant lots of studying.
Why is being a National Merit Scholar so prestigious?
Most people who are nominated as a semi-finalist become finalists, but only half become National Merit Scholars and get the scholarship. I had to study very hard and earn nearly perfect scores to be accepted. You have to score higher than 200 on the PSAT.
As part of the selection process, you had to write an essay. What was your essay about?
My best friend’s mother died of cancer. We also had a family friend with cancer, and another friend of the family had cancer while she was pregnant. The essay was about overcoming struggles and understanding God’s will.
What do you hope to accomplish in 10 years?
In 10 years, I hope to be a college professor who is doing research for the cure for cancer. I hope to be living in Edmond, raising my own family.
Tell us something that you think will surprise everyone to know about you.
People think I just study all day, and that I don’t have much of a life. I like to have fun, and I want to make the most of my high school years.
What could you tell others about Edmond?
Edmond is such a great place to live. Oklahoma is seriously one of the best states to grow up in because people are so kind, and that’s a great way to start off your life.