Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Gazing into the mirror, many men and women find their reflection no longer expresses their youthful spirit. Hidden behind the wrinkles lining their face, their eyes sparkle with vitality – a quality many now seek in small cosmetic procedures sweeping suburban America, one face at a time.
On an endless quest to capture the fountain of youth, many now claim that 50 is the new 40. Plastic surgery has made this assertion even easier to achieve, with greater satisfaction, and less financial burden. Karen Wells was 49 years old when she had her first surgery; a brow lift and an eye lift. Now seven years later, Wells feels like she needs another boost. “You just wake up one day and think to yourself ‘I could use more,’” she said.
In February, Wells had a laser peel and in April, filler injections. “I know I can never look 20 again, but at least I can look good for my age.” Recently, she underwent another series of injections to maintain her new look in lieu of a full face lift. “I found out you still have to have injections and fillers after you’ve had a face lift,” she said, leading her to decide against the surgery. “So I decided to try the injections and see how it goes. Maybe one day I’ll go under the knife, but right now, this is working.”
Dr. David Jayne of The Aesthetic Clinic of Edmond has been performing Wells’ procedures and practicing medicine since 1989. He’s been involved in aesthetic procedures since February 2008 and specializes in laser peels, facials, Botox and lipo dissolve, among others. “Karen Wells responds very well to treatment,” said Jayne.
“At first my family thought I was crazy for wanting to get surgery, they didn’t think I needed it,” Wells said. “After they saw the results, they all wanted it!”
One of the more common procedures gaining local popularity is the medium-depth peel, a treatment that is offered for individuals who are after a more substantial result, compared to superficial peels. The Aesthetic Clinic uses the state-of-the-art fontona laser for this procedure.
“It produces superior results due to advanced physics and the design of the laser. It’s perfect for any skin type, whereas some are less effective on darker skin tones.”
Jayne is also seeing more women in their late 20s and early 30s coming in to treat forehead expressions and lines using Botox. According to the specialist, receiving treatment in these younger ages is a preventive measure for wrinkles.
“Shopping for the cheapest bargain isn’t best,” he said. “For example, some doctors will dilute their Botox with saline and advertise a ridiculously low price, but the end result won’t be as good.” Jayne even warns that some doctors can use too much Botox in one session, leaving the patient looking frozen. He prefers to use several sessions that show a slow and gradual change in the face.
His office focuses on a natural change. They want their patients to look good without others being able to tell what’s different. Jayne recounts a story of a patient who received at least 12 compliments on her “new” haircut after her cosmetic procedure. Her friends and family were noticing a positive change, but couldn’t quite put their finger on what it was. The woman hadn’t changed her hair style for three years.
When considering a cosmetic surgeon, having a one-on-one consultation with your doctor is imperative. “It’s important to go over all the risks, benefits, and the cost,” said Jayne. Search for a doctor with the most amount of experience performing the procedure you’re interested in having done.
Wells agrees. “Check them out, get referrals, get recommendations, and be sure to look at their ‘before and after’ surgeries.” She has been extremely satisfied with her work and is very pleased with the results.
“I would do any of my procedures all over again and I’m not giving up either.”
She committed to memory something Joan Rivers once said in a magazine: “My motto is ‘better a new face coming out of an old car than an old face coming out of a new car.’ Spend your money on you.” Wells agrees with Rivers and is proud to drive an “old clunker” herself.