Mayor Q&A
Mayor Darrell Davis, the first black mayor in Edmond history, is no stranger to Edmond management. With 9 years of experience on the city council, he is already knowledgeable about the topics that citizens care about. Many of the improvements that are now coming to fruition are, in fact, initiatives that he began working on years ago. Mayor Davis shares his vision for the city now that he is in his new role:
Q: What do you see as our city’s biggest challenges?
Let me address two challenges the city is currently facing. One, how do we continue to attract business opportunities for companies and families to move here? A majority of people move to Edmond for our schools, safe community, and the overall hometown feel. Two, how do we capitalize off the economic generators of I-35 and Route 66? This action will help sustain our sales tax base that goes into our general fund. Edmond is becoming a destination location for Art, Music and Entertainment.
Q: What do you foresee being the impact of the city’s growth east of I-35?
We have an opportunity to strategically plan the growth east of I-35 and the overall impact to the city and surrounding communities. The creation of the East Edmond 2050 Plan is being developed to address our future needs. We can address the challenges before they become a reality. As we expand the city, we must communicate the need for balanced growth that is financially sustainable.
Q: You served on the Parks board for 15 years, it must be a topic that is important to you. What is the state of Edmond parks?
I still have a passion for our parks and trails throughout Edmond. It is great to hear citizens who have visited our community and enjoy the mobility enhancements that we are starting to put into place. We are evaluating our park system to determine where refurbishments need to take place and plan accordingly. As we continue to grow, we need to plan for our next regional park.
Q: How do you plan to address Edmond’s growing transportation problems?
Edmond’s growing transportation needs are under constant evaluation to create viable solutions. Currently, we are working with ODOT on improving traffic on the I-35 service roads. We’re looking at solutions for I-35 exits at Covell and Danforth to minimize traffic backing up on the highway. Major road enhancements are coming to Danforth & Kelly and 2nd & Bryant to name a few. I ask the citizens to be patient as there are road improvements being accomplished throughout the city.
Q: Are there any revitalization projects or other projects that you’d like to talk about?
I love how we are revitalizing downtown Edmond and the surrounding area. With the quiet zone being in place and infrastructure improvements, we are seeing an increase in residential and commercial activity. Our downtown is becoming a destination location with the increase in food, entertainment and art opportunities. I look forward as more opportunities become available for people to eat, work, and play in Edmond.
Q: What are your goals for the upcoming year?
Ultimately, my goal is that I continue to give of myself to help our community become an even better and a safer community in which families can live, work and play. I am humbly honored to serve this community. I will be working on the following initiatives:
● Improving our fundamental core services, including streets, infrastructure, expanded transit opportunities, police and fire protection
● Supporting and partnering with Edmond Public Schools
● Enhancing quality of life opportunities
Q:What are some of your long-term dreams and visions for Edmond’s future?
Our partnerships with our public schools and YMCA have been greatly beneficial to our community. I would like to look for other potential partnerships in the future. Additionally, let us keep our strategic planning and development momentum going in a positive direction.