Letter To My Son

Dearest Aaron,
This month, on your St. Patrick’s Day birthday, I wish I could explain just how much I love you. Impossible, as any parent knows. The only way you can relate is your love for your own children. Know that I love you just as much.
Even with a half-century gone by, I love you as much as the day you were born. It seems only yesterday that I held you in my arms for the first time, your angel soft hair brushing against my cheek as you snuggled into my embrace. You mesmerized me with your first smile. First steps. First words. First giggle. So many firsts locked into my heart.
Memories of you singing, dancing, or laughing while slobbering toddler kisses on my face. I knew those times would not last forever, yet how quickly came your first day of school, first bicycle, first car, first date and so much more. High school and college graduation. Mother/Son dance at your wedding. Then suddenly, you were a parent. How swiftly time passed.
You were my first child. First one to call me “Mommy,” the only title I coveted. I never knew love could be so new, so deep, so mysterious, and paint such a perfect picture of the love between your dad and me. You were the child of my heart, the longing of my soul.
And in truth, nothing has really changed. Today, I love you a thousand times over, seeing the grown, godly man you have become. Successful in your career. Hero to your kids. Adored by your wife. Loved by your brother. Respected by your friends and colleagues. I see your father’s strength and character and know how proud he always was of you and still is from his place in heaven.
My son, never forget that you are blessed and have always been a blessing to me. Nothing parallels my love for you. Though I was young at your birth, I knew great love, and thankfully, you survived my mistakes.
My sweet son, I thank God for you! Every day! Every moment of your life!
Happy Birthday!
Love, Mom