A&E: The Dead Inside
Billed as a supernatural musical with zombies, “The Dead Inside” is the latest starring role for Edmond native Dustin Fasching. The feature-length, genre-bending crowd-pleaser is currently making the festival circuit, screening all over the U.S. and snowballing awards wherever it rolls. An Edmond Memorial High School graduate, Fasching moved to Hollywood with his comedy troupe…
Read More >Dining Guide: A Taste of Edmond
Summertime has many Oklahomans looking forward to backyard barbecues or weekends at the lake. However, for Edmond residents, the highlight of summer may well be LibertyFest’s A Taste of Edmond. This year’s annual event is 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 26 at downtown’s Festival Market Place. It began 20 years ago as a fundraiser to…
Read More >My Edmond Outlook: Sam Brown
Name: Sam Brown, 11 year old actor,Starring in the Lyric Theatre’s upcoming production of “Oliver!” What makes you unique to Edmond?Not sure if I’m unique to Edmond or not. I think I’m like a lot of kids who have taken advantage of the great drama, music, art, and sports programs that Edmond offers. How did…
Read More >Globally Minded
In March, University of Central Oklahoma’s first nine global competency students were awarded their certificate in a graduation ceremony for a program that launched four years ago. The UCO Centre for Global Competency (GCG) brings international students to UCO by marketing it overseas and taking care of admission and immigration paperwork, as well as supporting…
Read More >The Hands of Faith
As I arrived to meet former chiropractor Dr. Richard Edwards, he opened the door for me and greeted me with a handshake. While it may not be an impressive feat for most, this was impressive, because it came from the nation’s first man to receive a double hand transplant. Just eight months ago, Edwards underwent…
Read More >The Power of Forgiveness
Cindy Beall has a strong and happy family but getting to this point wasn’t easy. It was a journey that required a lot of patience, growth and overwhelming love. Beall and her husband Chris were married for nine years and had a 3-year-old son when they moved to Edmond from Tennessee nine years ago. Chris…
Read More >World Champions of Cheer
Visit Twist and Shout Training Center in Edmond and you’ll likely find owner and coach Orson Sykes on his feet and speaking at the top of his lungs. He’s nothing if not enthusiastic. He likes to coach every student individually, forming winners and cheerleading champions. At the cheer gym, Sykes expects the same hard work…
Read More >BOE: Coffee Creek Golf Course
Coffee Creek Golf Club is normally open seven days a week, from sunup to sundown. This summer, however, the club is taking a break. Coffee Creek is closing on July 18, with reopening scheduled for Labor Day weekend. “We’ll be re-turfing 20 greens, totaling about 130,000 square feet,” explains Andy McCormick. “This is the most…
Read More >BOE: OU Medical Center Edmond
Until 1947, Edmond residents had to travel the dirt roads to Oklahoma City for medical attention. Fortunately, a group of physicians and businessmen saw the need and opened what is now known as OU Medical Center Edmond. The hospital, originally housed on the top floor of the Broncho Theater on Broadway, is now at 2nd…
Read More >LTJ: A Million Prayers For a Miracle
I’m veering from my regular column this month to make a request of my readers. Please pray for my husband. On Thursday, May 12, Carl was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas. We are stunned beyond belief. Shocked. Devastated. How does such a destructive disease harbor itself in the body? The shortness of breath, weakness…
Read More >Sports: Natural Born Bodybuilders
Few have the discipline to become professional bodybuilders, and even fewer are willing to do it without the shortcuts provided by steroids. But that’s the goal of natural bodybuilders like Shane Butler, who train strenuously and sacrifice greatly to achieve their body’s full natural potential. Many athletes get into bodybuilding from their experience in other…
Read More >Home: Empty Nest: Canvas for Creativity
The time when babies grow up and leave the nest is bittersweet for many parents. A lot of them feel that the emptiness in their heart is compounded even more by the empty rooms the children leave behind. Several Edmond empty-nesters say you can fill that emptiness in part by turning the new space into…
Read More >We Hurt For Our Friend
Please be in prayer for Edmond Outlook columnist, Louise Tucker Jones.
Read More >LibertyFest
Edmond’s 4th of July festivities start early with several Libertyfest activities building up to the big day.
Read More >Red Earth Native American Cultural Festival
Celebrating their 25th Anniversary June 3rd-5th
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