Momentum: Art Doesn’t Stand Still
How do you help young artists start careers in Oklahoma? That was a question the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition (OVAC) posed to a group of young artists and volunteers twelve years ago. They came up with Momentum: Art Doesn’t Stand Still”���an annual art exhibition created specifically for Oklahoma artists ages 30 and younger, working in different media and living all across the state.
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Pirates Meet Steampunk
James Hugo, 30, and Chase Layman, 27, co-owners of Edmond’s Wheelhouse Graphic Design studio, are storytellers. But they tell their stories in a most unusual way. There are no pen and paper. There’s no word processing. They express themselves with the unlikeliest of media”���toys.
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BUSINESS: Haggard’s Fine Furniture
The Haggard family name is one that stands for quality, service and tradition. Earle Haggard and his staff strive to continue and improve that legacy while running Haggard’s Fine Furniture.
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BUSINESS: Kregger’s Floors & More
Wood, tile, carpet”���oh my! Trying to pick between those three options can be quite overwhelming and frustrating, but trust in the folks at Kregger’s Floors & More and you will end up with the flooring of your dreams.
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LOUISE: The Microwave Mishap
My son, Aaron, suggested I let my readers in on some of the crazy things that have happened to me, saying, “If you can’t think of anything, I can give you plenty of information.”�� What in the world could he mean?
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FOOD: Juiceblendz Cafe
If you’ve ever pleaded with a toddler to eat his fruits and vegetables or abandoned the well-intentioned apple and yogurt on your desk to join colleagues for lunch”���where the gossip was even juicier than the cheeseburger”���you’re not alone. Trying to maintain nutritional balance in a world replete with delicious distractions is a daily challenge.
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ART: Edmond Poet Rediscovers Love of Words
Candace Liger nearly gave up on poetry.
Although the cadence and rhythm of words has danced through her blood for most of her life, Liger’s affair with poetry has all the signs of a rocky relationship. Poetry has brought her joy, has comforted her in times of need, has disappointed and angered her and, at one point, it betrayed her.

Love that Lasts
Seventy-odd years ago at a church youth meeting in Hugo, Oklahoma, a girl fell in love.
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An Artist’s Eye
Like a person, art has many layers. You can look at something or someone and think you know what you see, that is, until you look deeper. Perhaps no one understands this better than local artist Tammy Brummell.
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