In Other Words with Dave – Pulled Over
I signaled and carefully turned onto a side street. I lowered my window and the mid-afternoon heat quickly poured in. With my hands clearly visible on the steering wheel, I waited for the question.
“Do you know why I pulled you over?” I truly didn’t know (unlike some other times). The officer was polite but straightforward. “I pulled you over because you went through a red light.” He explained that I actually stopped and waited, then I went straight on the left arrow.
I was dumbfounded. He told me the turning traffic had to wait for me to continue my infraction before they could complete their turn. I was lucky I didn’t cause an accident. I had no idea.
He asked if I was on my phone. I wasn’t. Then he asked me if I had a lot on my mind. Yes, that’s it! He nailed it, here’s my impromptu therapy session…
My daughter, son-in-law and grandkids just moved back to Edmond from Colorado. This quarter, I’d like to cut business expenses and increase profits. I’m a widower and finding my way in a new relationship. My dog has a rash I can’t figure out. I can’t get my Roomba to connect to my wi-fi. I ordered a new couch and it’s taking forever to get delivered. I’m hungry, I have salad at home but I really want some Chipotle. My sisters and I are selling my dad’s house in California, and I wish we had more showings…
I wondered if he’d mind standing out there in the heat because I could go on and on. But, no. I didn’t share any of that. Instead, I agreed to be more mindful while driving, and he let me off with a warning.
They say don’t text and drive – it can wait. For me, I can add not thinking too hard. That can wait too. Drive safe.