In Other Words With Dave – March 2020
I checked Facebook this morning, and there’s one of those “On this Day” memory posts at the top of my feed. It’s of my wife, Alison, doing her best Vanna White impression in a furniture store. She’s standing next to a media console we almost bought. The post was from a year ago. And we still don’t have a media console.
I have this indecision problem when it comes to certain things in my life. And this piece of furniture is one of them. Sure, I’ve looked, shopped and surfed. This console is not the right color. That one is too tall. Oh, that one is too expensive and so on. So for the last year, an exposed tangled cluster of cables, modems and assorted wireless technology sit there between me and my netflix mocking me nightly.
Is this a serious problem like global warming, homelessness or Edmond traffic? No, it’s more of a metaphor that makes me pause and ask – why am I like this? Is it about a fear of completing something? Is it about the possibility of making a mistake? Is it about perfection? Compromise? Oh no, I need furniture therapy.
I’m sure I’m not alone. Doesn’t everyone have issues in their lives that remain undone, ignored and need to be completed? What about that annoying little noise coming from your car – it’s always there but never a priority. Or that mystery charge that appears on your credit card statement every month – when are you going to get to that? Or that friend you keep meaning to reconnect with – but never do. Or that little patch of skin that doesn’t look right – when are you gonna get that looked at?
We all have our media consoles, what’s yours?