Pulling Together for One of Our Own
Teresa Dixon entered the tunnel in late 2008 when her doctor diagnosed her with terminal Polycystic Liver and Kidney disease. Her need for a new liver pushes the boundaries of the definition of “immediately.” The National Transplant Assistance Fund (NATF) is working feverishly to make sure there’s a light at the end of Dixon’s tunnel….
Read More >K-9 Officers Ready to Protect and Serve
There’s a saying in the Edmond Police Department: “Always trust the nose.” That’s because four members of the squad are prized for their phenomenal sense of smell. And their speed, agility, intuition and work ethic aren’t bad, either. The K-9 unit at the Edmond Police Department continues to have a positive effect on the officers…
Read More >Closing the Case
It’s unclear what passed through the mind of Michael Gary on the evening of June 5, 2007. He is, at the same time, the pettiest and most dangerous kind of criminal. After breaking in to the Edmond home of Joe and Shirley Shell, he held 67-year-old Shirley and her mother-in-law hostage while trying to obtain…
Read More >Organizing A Better Life
You’ve had one of those days at work – the kind that can only be remedied by going home, putting up your feet and relaxing. But when you get to your house, the disorganization and clutter is so significant that the bad day just gets worse. You really need to talk to Becky Keever. Keever…
Read More >David and Kelly Plus Four
These days, raising one or two kids can tax parents to their limits. Four kids can be over the top. Chores times four. Doctor visits times four. Meals times four. Dirty diapers times four. Homework help times four. Clothing times four. Many parents say that having three kids is like having five kids. Follow the…
Read More >Home & Garden: Bringing the Movie Theater Home
Indiana Jones. Luke Skywalker. The Transformers. Even the lovable, purple Barney. Every homeowner’s had them as guests in their house, visitors via entertainment systems. But how many people get to know these screen stars up close and personal? That’s what a primo home theatre achieves. Darren Huddleston of Custom Home Electronics and David Truitt of…
Read More >Mysterious Edmond
1980s: Ghostly Gravesites at 33rd Street Train Tracks As late as the 1980s, Edmond was a more rural area than it appears today. As the town lay separated from north Oklahoma City by miles of unlit country roads, this was still the era just before modern day cell phones, GPS or laptop computers with wi-fi…
Read More >Shawna Russell Storms Country Music World
Shawna Russell should have been born with wheels. At least, that’s what someone once told her, and it’s a claim she embraces because this rising country music star has spent much of her life on the road, traveling casino, club and concert circuits. Her resolve has paid off. After years of dogged persistence, Shawna is…
Read More >Speed Racers
What has four wheels, an open cab and is ridiculously fun to drive? If you’re picturing go-karts you’d be on the right track. Unlike your average go-kart, these karts can go up to 140 miles per hour, putting real pedal to the metal. “Every race car driver starts racing in karts,” says Edmond resident Caleb…
Read More >The Great Edmond Train Robbery
Edmond’s brush with outlaw infamy occurred August 16, 1897 shortly before midnight, when the Jennings Gang robbed a southbound Santa Fe passenger train, about a mile south of downtown. During this period of pre-statehood history, daring outlaw gangs often became legendary in Oklahoma Territory. The Jennings Gang become legendary, but oddly enough, it was for…
Read More >In Full Swing
The weather is finally beginning to warm and many Edmond residents are turning to the outdoors and hitting the green. This cold winter season may have caused a few golfers to get a little rusty and in need of some tips from the experts. “The question I get asked most commonly is ‘Can you help…
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