Edmond Marketplace
Every day for more than 22 years, Michael Rush has pondered the question “what would I do if this was my car?” Putting himself in the shoes of his automotive service customers is what has kept his clients coming back and Silver Star Imports successful. And, Rush says it’s not that he merely utters these words regularly but rather the philosophy he lives by and the standard that his employees adhere to that has kept his business growing.
Silver Star Imports, Inc. opened for business in 1984 as Mercedez Exclusive with the motto: “We stand behind our work, unless you’re in Reverse.” Although the name has changed and Rush has added Lexus and Toyota to the list of vehicles he services, the motto still stands today.
“Our customers want repairs done correctly the first time, and they appreciate the fact that we do that,” Rush said. “Customers come to us from all over the Oklahoma-Texas region because we treat the customer’s cars like they were our most precious family members and we provide options for our customers.”
While delivering quality work is a promise Rush stands behind, it’s his concern for customers that neglect to bring in their second and third vehicles for regular maintenance checks that weighs heavily on his heart.
“Without state-required safety inspections, it is up to the customer to have their cars kept up to date,” Rush said. He said many times clients have extra cars sitting idle for most of the year and they’ll drive them without a second thought and without taking the time to get them checked out. “They may have bad tires, no brake lights or poor brakes and they could put themselves and others at risk,” he said.
Rush said this high level of customer satisfaction is important and has given him an invaluable amount of word-of-mouth advertising. He credits the high level of satisfaction he has achieved to the dedication and integrity of his staff. With more than 92 years of combined experience, Rush said his staff is among the best in the industry.
“The techs are great at seeing what they are looking at. What I mean by that is a car can come in with a running problem, and while diagnostics are being done, things like low tire pressures, bad wiper blades, brake lights are caught and this helps save the customer from having to make a 2nd trip,” he said. “This is not to be confused with up selling…our customers want their automobiles kept up so their trips to the repair shop are minimal,” he added.
The Silver Star team includes Jim Musgrove, Kyle Koonce, Roy Smithart and Cookie Johnson.
Whether it’s the customer-first attitude and thoroughness of the staff or the clean, professional atmosphere, customers have positive things to say about the treatment they get at Silver Star Imports.
“They say that we are great. People like the fact that decisions are made based on what we would do if it were our car, or our wife’s car, or our sibling’s car” Rush said. “We give the customers options when there are options and the customers love it” he added.
Rush says one of the biggest successes he’s experienced over the years began when he purchased the land on 15th where his shop now sits.
“Having Edmond give 15th street a cosmetic update making it one of, if not the most beautiful streets in town and the way the improvements complimented the building increased our business to the point of having to double the size of the staff,” he said.
When Rush isn’t busy repairing cars, he may be found putting energy into two other of his passions: fixing up old Mercedes Benz cars and selling them on e-bay or with his wife Connie promoting her Arbonne business.
Whether your car is in need of something as simple as an oil change or you suspect extensive electrical problems, when you take your car to Silver Star Imports, Rush and his crew will treat your car as if it were their own.
Silver Star Imports is located between Broadway and Kelly at 301 W. 15th.
Krystal LaValley, a registered diagnostic medical sonographer, has performed ultrasound studies for more than seven years, primarily in a hospital environment. After discovering a passion for obstetrics, and hoping for more one-on-one time with her patients, LaValley began to put in motion a plan to turn her ‘dream job’ into reality.
“Over the years I have found that in the hospital setting it is hard to give your patients the amount of quality time they so desire and deserve,” LaValley said. “I know from experience of being a mom of three that this is one of the most important and anticipated events in your life. That is the very reason I chose to open my own business. My goal is to provide the greatest experience possible during this most memorable time!”
On June 1, LaValley first opened the doors of Miracle Within located in the Edmond Exchange Shopping Center at Broadway Extension and 33rd in Edmond. Miracle Within is an affiliate of United Imaging Partners with various locations across the country, and LaValley is one of the few facilities that are owned and operated by a registered sonographer.
The location offers options unique to the business including many family-focused features that transform what was once merely a medical study into an incredible family experience. Expectant mothers and their families view the first photos of their baby in style with a large, comfortable sectional, inviting decor and a 100-inch screen mounted on the wall for all to enjoy. Moms are provided a comfortable padded table with an elevated head and a great view of the large screen.
Unlike most other ultrasound providers in the area, Miracle Within Ultrasound provides 4D technology. According to LaValley, there is a difference between 3D and 4D.
“3D is the picture of the baby that shows features and is the golden color. 4D shows the movement of the baby while in that view. From a yawn to a stretch, you can really see your baby’s features! It is amazing,” LaValley said.
Another uniqueness of Miracle Within is that patients are required to provide proof of prenatal care and an 18 to 20 week ultrasound prior to their appointment and the ultrasound sessions are ALWAYS performed by a Registered Sonographer.
LaValley performs a limited diagnostic study on each patient that she keeps on file in case the physician has a need for it.
The facility also offers boutique baby and maternity items as well as baby showers. LaValley and her husband previously owned a small business in Seminole, so they are no strangers to the business world. LaValley has found this venture to be much more rewarding and yes, challenging.
“Everyone that comes to see us at Miracle Within Ultrasound is excited about seeing their baby for the first time. They are at a special place in their life and I have the privilege of sharing it with them,” LaValley said.
LaValley said what she treasures the most about her business is “Seeing the excitement and joy that families express at seeing a glimpse of their unborn baby…the smiles, the oohs and awes, and even the tears!!”
If acting as receptionist, sonographer, baby shower host, advertising manager and part-time hospital employee were not enough, LaValley is a wife and mother to 6-year-old Carter, 4-year-old Zadie and one-year-old, Timilyn. While it’s true she wears many hats, LaValley relishes in the fact that she is doing what she loves most.
“This is my calling, my dream come true. I believe in family and the bonds that hold us together,” she said. “I invite you to come experience your Miracle Within by seeing your baby’s face for the first time and I look forward to sharing in your joy!”