Dave’s Blurb for May

You may have noticed the Edmond
is now simply—the Outlook.

Just in case you’re asking Why?
I’ll explain. While we’ve always had “Edmond” in our title, we’ve always
encompassed more than Edmond. For the past eight years we’ve mailed our
publication to folks within Edmond city limits, as well as reaching north and
west of Edmond to places like Deer Creek and Oak Tree. So now we’ll be mailing
our 50,000 magazines to an even larger area as we extend our coverage east to
Arcadia and past the Kilpatrick Turnpike into Oklahoma City.

We’re still all about local
stories and local advertising. Our team—Laura, Bethany, Karen and Andrea all
live in the Edmond and north Oklahoma City area. And the magazine is published
by an Edmondite, me.

Dave's Toon

What’s going to be different? Not
much. We look forward to reaching new readers and some new advertisers. It’s
always been our mission to publish great features about local people,
organizations and events—no need to change that.

Any other changes we should know
Glad you asked. We brought on a new account executive, Emily Adler. We
first met Emily when we profiled her non-profit organization, Hounds of the
Heartland, in January of this year. Emily is looking forward to telling our
advertisers how well this publication works. Hounds of the Heartland
experienced increased donations and adoptions since being featured. Oh, all of
her greyhounds, her husband and herself—they’re all local too.

Dave Miller, Publisher

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