DAVE: New Adventure
I’ve taken on a new adventure. It requires no physical exertion, expensive equipment,or exotic destinations. And, it’s something any of us can do daily.
The adventure started at my dog groomer while picking up my freshly trimmed doggie. As I settled in for what I expected to be a short wait – there were a couple of dog picker-uppers in front of me. No problem. I can entertain myself. I instinctively reached into my left rear pants pocket for my phone.
It wasn’t there.
Panic set in. I patted myself down. Other back pocket – no phone. Front pockets – no phone. Thigh pockets (sometimes I wear cargo pants because I have a keen sense of fashion) – no phone. I’d left it in my car. What was I going to do for the next few minutes?
I could think of no other way to occupy my time and that’s when my adventure started. Feeling a little daring and a little like a dork, I threw caution to the wind and engaged in small talk. Hello lady in front of me. What kind of dog do you have? Oh, really? I am not familiar with that breed. Awkward? Yes. Familiar? Somewhat. As the words tumbled out of my mouth, we eventually engaged in a pleasant conversation. If you’re new to this process (or, like me, new again), let me break it down for you. It generally goes like this: Ask a question. Listen to the answer. Pause. Process. Re-engage or end loop.
Now I’m leaving my phone in my car intentionally. I’ve grocery shopped, gotten new glasses, bought new tires, and picked up to-go order food – all without my phone. I’ve talked to people. Met people. Gotten story ideas. Sure, I’ve been ignored by (or annoyed) a few people who would rather look at their phones than converse. That’s fine. No judgement here. It’s just an adventure I’m on. You’re welcome to enjoy your phone.
Or join me.
Dave Miller