COL: Where can I get a good fish taco?
Edmond has a story to tell, a known and unknown one. She’s mysterious like that. It isn’t about fish tacos, but fish tacos is where I’m starting.
As a career storyteller, I’m always seeking the uncharted, unexpected, and downright fascinating about every person or place that crosses my path. That goes double for my community. Not only do I have this insatiable hunger (this partially explains the fish tacos) to discover all the hidden gems or just quirks about my city, I also have the stubbornness to believe I can find them.
Or enjoy myself while trying.
TL in Town is a new column dedicated to exactly that: the hunt to uncover Edmond and all her knowable and unknowables. What’s new in town? What’s not? What’s unique? What’s entertaining? Is it possible to meet every resident? If not, how close can I get?
What I hope this column does is show the people and the place we live in more detail. Like seeing it through a magnifying glass. Or zoom lens. Or eyes of a close talker.
If you have ideas for this column, email me. They don’t need to be about food, but I chose this topic while going far too long between meals. And aren’t I glad I did.
Here’s what I found…so far:
Matachines . 180 W. 15th, Ste. 150
So tasty. I ate all three in one sitting. Then I sat longer because I ate too much. Next time, I’m ordering the pozole soup. I have no idea what’s in it. But the woman taking my order said it’s delicious and I trust her completely.
The Zu Sports Grill . 16 S Broadway
These babies have a nice kick in the sauce. If you’re wondering what constitutes a “kick” in my vocabulary, my dial lands around the medium salsa range. For you eaters of jalapeños, that’s another way of saying I’m a wimp.
Chelinos . 1612 S Boulevard
Veggies come standard. Veggies! When I left, the manager asked why he didn’t remember seeing me before. “Because…I’ve never been here before?” Just a guess.
Carnitas Michoacan . 306 W Edmond Rd
If you’re a hardworking guy, this is the lunch hotspot. It was fast, fresh, and packed with other hard working guys who scarfed down their meal and bolted before I had time to grab silverware.
3 Tequilas . 315 S Broadway
White cheese sauce is brought to the table without asking. White. Cheese. Sauce. Do you have any idea what I’d do to have cheese brought without asking?
My special thanks to all the local restaurants who satiated my hunger. For a few hours, anyway.
Tara Lynn Thompson is editor of Edmond Outlook and author of Not Another Superhero. Read more of her writings at, connect with her on Facebook at AuthorTaraLynnThompson, or email her at