BUSINESS: Science Fit

science fitEmblazoned on the Science Fit door is their philosophy: “Build your workout around your life… not your life around your workout!” Science Fit, located at Western Avenue and Memorial Road, opened its doors in May 2011 and has gained enough momentum for Dr. Trey Milligan to anticipate opening a second workout center in downtown Oklahoma City.

Milligan graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine in 1998 and has been a board certified family physician practicing urgent care since 2001. He read the research-based book “Body by Science” coauthored by Dr. Doug McGuff and John Little in college and became hooked. “I had read many of the research articles Doug lists in his book back in the ’90s, but I never put it together like Doug did,” he explains. “As soon as I read Doug’s book, I said, ‘Yeah, this makes sense.’”

“Thirty minutes … once a week … no sweat!” is the mantra of the Science Fit workout. “Knowing you can get a safe, productive, metabolic conditioning workout in a 30-minute slot … we hope that people would invest that much in their life to make that much difference down the road and maintain their function and not decline,” said Milligan. The workouts are private and the room is kept at a constant 64 degrees, so participants don’t sweat.

Traditional exercise is often low-intensity over long periods. However, Milligan explains that by using the body’s naturally existing “adaptive response,” high-intensity and low-frequency workouts increase muscle mass in anticipation of future needs. This is why supervision is critical to get the level of exertion needed to produce this preprogrammed metabolic response. “We’re aiming for deep fatigue in the muscular effort,” he said.

Science Fit uses technologically advanced MedX Exercise Equipment designed to ensure proper biomechanical function and enhance safety. It is also designed to work with the body’s natural range of motion to ensure proper muscle and joint function.

“We do what you can do. I have clients with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or artificial joints. Therefore, we do a low-impact, slow, controlled style of training. But even within that, people have limited range of motion, so we have ways of changing the routine to accommodate those limitations and still achieve muscle stimulation and reap the benefits,” explains Milligan.

There are many testimonials on the Science Fit website, with clients as young as 12 to some older than 80, with different backgrounds and health and fitness levels. However, they all have one thing in common: Science Fit is making a difference in their quality of life.

For more information, go to or call Science Fit at 748-0028.

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