Biz Look: Crossings Church
At a time when churches can’t gather physically, Crossings Community Church is finding innovative ways to bring people together. “You’d think our ministry would be less busy, but it’s the opposite,” says Ryan Brown, Pastor of Location Development and Connections.
New Options for Worship
Like many churches, Crossings offers a live feed of Sunday worship. And they’ve recently added new twist. Viewers can now choose whether to stream the contemporary or traditional service, which each feature a different style of music. Special children’s programming follows each service.
The church even held an online Communion service on Palm Sunday, with members making their own bread at home and all partaking at once. “We’re being very creative in how we can still celebrate the sacraments,” says Ryan.
Anyone can watch or listen to services on several different platforms, including the church website, Facebook Live, YouTube, and Zoom. Sermons and worship music are available to stream any time.
Coming Together Online
Fellowship is at the heart of any church community. Crossings gives people many opportunities to stay connected digitally. One of the first events to go online was The Gathering, a popular Tuesday night forum for young adults. “We’ve had a great response to that,” says Ryan. Members are now meeting remotely for small community groups, Bible studies, and support groups. The church’s regular Wednesday night classes are also continuing online.
Serving the Community
Crossings has reached out in many ways to help those in need during the pandemic. They’ve arranged box lunch deliveries to front-line workers at OU Medical Center and the Edmond Police Department. The church’s counseling center, clinic, and other behind-the- scenes ministries are also staying busy.
For those who need help or want to offer help, there’s a place on the website to sign up. Crossings will continue to offer support as long as needs exist. “The spirit of Oklahoma comes through very well in times of trial,” says Ryan. “We’re proud to be a part of that community.”
Crossings Community Church has campuses in north OKC and Edmond. Find them online at