BEFORE & AFTER: Pools 2 the Max

pool before

pool after

Copper is quickly becoming pure gold to pool owners who relish the pleasures of a backyard oasis but have tired of the expense, time and work required to maintain sparkling water. For decades, chlorine has been accepted as the most effective and economical method of pool sanitization, despite its harsh, toxic chemical effects that routinely damage clothing, hair and skin. As Edmond and North OKC residents Phil South and Ron Hudson discovered, there is finally a viable alternative that eliminates exhausting pool chores and ensures consistently clear, naturally fresh water.

Introduced to an age-old, revolutionary copper ionization system for sanitizing water during a chance meeting at pool school, South and Hudson partnered to form Pools 2 the Max. Driven by the extreme efficiency, low operational costs and safety of copper ionization, the two pioneered a complete and affordable system, now available to individual pool owners.

Pools 2 the Max offers a unique system upgrade for existing in-ground or above-ground pools currently using chlorine, saltwater or other chemical sanitization systems. Based on technology developed by NASA to sanitize drinking water for the Apollo astronauts, an electronic ionization device is installed in the pool’s filtration system. As the pool’s circulation system runs, the device constantly generates copper and silver ions and builds up a residual of ions in the water to kill algae, bacteria, viruses and fungi. ‘It is totally safe,’ Hudson notes. “Even if you drank two gallons of pool water, you would ingest about the same amount of copper as in a single multi-vitamin.”

The ionization upgrade changes a pool’s sanitization to a method that is virtually chemical and maintenance-free. In addition, the filtration system is converted to a far more efficient and less expensive system to operate and an automatic vacuuming system is installed.

With no expensive chemicals to buy and no time-consuming monitoring and adjusting of chemicals, pool owners can finally spend time enjoying their pools rather than maintaining them. As an additional benefit, the new system requires less time running the pump which also saves on energy costs.

Having maintained their own backyard pools for years, South and Hudson know firsthand the frustration involved in trying to strike the perfect chemical balance to keep pool water clean and clear. Like many pool owners who experience bouts of green, algae-ridden water, South found that his pool was so bad last year that he didn’t even open it for the season.

Though somewhat skeptical, South upgraded his chlorine pool with the new copper ionization system and remarks that he has “been amazed at the constant clarity of his water, even after it rains. With no effort or guesswork, my pool is sparkling clear.” South, whose pool is the entertainment venue of choice for family and friends, notes, “Now the pool is always ready for the grandkids.”

For more information about complete pool upgrades starting at just $697, contact Phil South at 371-3827 or Ron Hudson at 470-8178 or visit

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