Back40 News
“I started watching Grey’s Anatomy, I was more in touch with my feelings, I began to crave flavored coffees –and I bought a lot of cute stuff Isabella’s. I had no idea what was happening to me,” explains Dave Miller, CEO. “Then Sandy told me I had been taking her vitamin packets which are very similar to mine, except for the estrogen pills.”
“He’s detoxed and back to being obsessed with cars, motorcycles and himself. It’s good to have him back, “says Sandy Miller, CFO.
The inquisition is over. Donna Walker, salesperson, has finally found her missing checkbook – in the Back40 ‘fridge. “I must have left the checkbook in there when I was putting my lunch away. Silly me. I never suspected anyone here would ever take it. But, just for good measure, we now have up-to-date background checks on everyone here. In case we ever need them.”
Security was alerted when Megan Freeman, marketing associate, left a local grocery store after purchasing ice cream and dog food. Within seconds, security was on the scene questioning her to determine what had set off the alarm. “After they “wanded” me, the guard figured out it was my Ipod. He wanted to de-magnetize it, if they did that, they would definitely have to press charges – because I would have decked the guy,” explains Megan. “You try and reload over a 1000 songs.”
Peyton Stovall, project manager, took a week off. It wasn’t much of a vacation. She had her wisdom teeth out. ” Dave and Sandy brought over a care package and were initially amused by Peyton’s state. “She’s pretty cool when she’s loopy,” observed Dave. Sandy was more concerned, “She was watching The Dukes of Hazard, – she was thoroughly amused by it. I think she might have been over-medicated.”
An early morning self-defense exercise at Mind and Body Fitness’s Boot Camp pitted staff members and staff members. Crystal Christensen, assistant editor (pictured in headlock), faced off against Krista Davenport, in what turned out to be a crushing defeat for our office manager, Krista. “She’s scrappy,” sighed Krista, vowing a rematch.
Crystal went on to round two and grappled with a senior opponent Sandy Miller. Sandy unleashed fury as the two went (what can only be described as) “ballistic” on each other. Competition was so fierce that both ignored the time whistle and were literally pulled apart by Mike Cjenka and his Boot Camp instructors. Both agreed it was fun and Sandy explained the exercise was an excellent way to prepare for a day of accounts receivable calls.
Which reminds us, Back40 Design is in need of a talented, witty accounts receivable clerk. Applicants must possess two years experience in the accounting field with Excel and QuickBooks knowledge. Wresting experience not necessary. Send cover letter and resume to No phone calls please.