America’s Kindest Family

Meet America’s Kindest Family! The Barróns of Edmond were selected from over 500 nominations, and now, their family portrait is on the cover
of Parent Magazine.
A friend nominated Luke and Holly Barrón and their boys, and although they gave the possibility little thought, a team of celebrity judges was impressed with the selflessness of the Barróns. Over the summer, the family learned they had won the America’s Kindest Family contest and flew to New York for the photo shoot. The contest result was publicly announced on the Today Show in September.
Although it sounds fun and fluffy, the Barrón’s story is compelling; a story of generosity and sacrifice and Legos.
It began when the Barrón’s oldest son, Keaton, started the K Club, a kindness club, because of his inborn desire to make everyone happy. His goal was to bring kindness to others; an incredible feat for a child enduring cancer treatment himself. Although he lost his battle to leukemia in 2018, at the age of eight, his K Club continues through the tireless work of his family.
“He was so selfless,” said Luke. “He thought about making everyone else happier. He was going through the most difficult and trying times of his life, and he just put others before himself.”
Keaton’s one-dollar membership fees continue to be used to purchase Legos for children living in a hospital. Every month, the Barrón family hosts a Lego party at Oklahoma Children’s Hospital, giving the patients a break from treatment and a toy to play with back in their beds.
“If it makes one child happy, then our work is worth it,” Holly said. “That’s why we do this! Being in the hospital is so hard on them.”
Returning to the hospital is also hard on the Barróns, because it’s a place that carries memories of Keaton’s five and a half years of treatments. Holly is comfortable on the 10th floor, however, because the K Club raised enough money to renovate it into an area called Keaton’s Clubhouse. Nearly every week, the Barróns provide gifts for patients who need a pick-me-up or have reached a milestone such as a birthday or graduation while undergoing treatment.
The Barróns spread kindness outside the hospital as well. They hold sock and underwear drives for the Homeless Alliance. In November, they celebrate World Kindness Day by inviting people to chalk messages of kindness in Edmond and Oklahoma City. The K Club also helps pay the funeral costs for parents who have lost a child to pediatric cancer.
“When a door opens to show kindness, we walk through it,” Holly said. “How could we say no? We believe in what Keaton started, and it’s how we teach our other three boys about their brother. Keaton is still part of our family.”
Holly admits that their aggressive schedule of events is exhausting, but they feel compelled to carry on with Keaton’s mission. “We never in a million years thought Keaton wouldn’t beat cancer,” Holly said. “Don’t ever think I’m okay, because I’m not. We are lost without him, but these acts of kindness help us feel close to him.”
According to Holly, the title of America’s Kindest Family is actually a tribute to Keaton—the best person she’s ever known. “The rest of us aren’t the five kindest people on earth, but collectively, we are working to honor Keaton’s shining example. He never complained. He’d get in the car to go to the clinic and be sweet,” Holly paused to contain her emotion. “Keaton wasn’t that way because of us. He was a gift to us that we were privileged enough to take care of.”
To join the K Club and support local children fighting cancer, please visit