A Hometown Visit
A Hometown Visit
My oldest son was home for a visit a few weeks ago and was amazed at the changes in his hometown. Or maybe we should call it a city with today’s population. Aaron was in kindergarten when we moved to Edmond in the early 70s. It was a small, friendly town with children riding bikes on neighborhood streets and playing T-ball at the park. There was a town center, several churches and a couple of shopping centers.
As our children grew, so did the community. Schools became so overcrowded that Aaron’s class experienced seven different “transitions” within the school district before graduating from Edmond Memorial, the only high school at that time.
But time changes everything and I sometimes miss what used to be. I loved looking out my back door and seeing Aaron and his friends building a tree house or fort in the woods behind our house. I enjoyed neighbors who sat on front porches and waved to everyone who passed by. And it was a special delight to walk down a street at sunset where I knew everyone by name in both directions.
Of course, some of my nostalgia comes from sweet memories of younger years and times when our home exploded with laughter and fun of growing kids. It became a gathering place, with the school bus stop right in front of our house, which was located at the bottom of a hill where neighbors’ cars often slid to a halt during icy winters. With no cell phones, our home became call central. I kept coffee ready.
I have wonderful neighbors where I live today though we don’t interact as much. We are all busy with places to go and things to do. Maybe that’s part of growing older. Or maybe it’s simply “change.” But I promise you one thing. If you happen to walk past my house and find me sitting on my front porch or on the bench under our old Mulberry tree, you will definitely be greeted with a smile, a wave or hello. And I think my neighbors will do the same. I hope that part of Edmond never changes.