A “Grand” Trip!

Recently, I had some special guests in my home—my son, Aaron and two grandkids. My grand girl, Alex wanted to visit thrift shops for vintage clothing— something 17-year-olds obviously enjoy. And boy, did we find some bargains! But before we hit the stores, she shopped in my closet, finding a few treasures. Hats, purses, jewelry and a few tops with sparkle, something she loved even as a child. But I’m wondering if that means I am now vintage.
Then a huge surprise when Alex and her brother, 15-year-old, Axton, both claimed special jackets that had belonged to their granddad. Carl would have been thrilled and honored with these grandkids who were just three and five- years-old when he went to heaven.
The next day, they headed to the zoo. Yep, even teens love the zoo, especially when they’re given a personal tour and get to feed Rainbow Lorikeets and 500 pound Galapagos tortoises. Even a little rain didn’t dampen their spirits. Then they hopped over to Bricktown for a water taxi ride and good food before returning to Grammi-Lou’s house for rest and snacks.
It was a blessing to have my son and grands with me a couple of days before they headed to the Wichita Wildlife Reserve for old-fashioned camping, hiking and viewing bison. Something Aaron always loved and he wanted his kids to experience it, as well as other things he enjoyed while growing up. Of course, they also had to test the food and attractions in Medicine Park before continuing their trip to other exciting places.
Sometimes we moms and dads question whether we did a good job raising our kids. We wonder if we got everything right as young parents. Well, no we didn’t! But it’s rewarding to see the love we poured into our kids now being doubled and passed on to our grandkids.
As I hugged my sweet guests goodbye with both Alex and Axton wearing those iconic jackets they pulled from their Granddad’s closet, my soul soared a little higher. How I loved spending time with these sweet grands and their dad—my amazing firstborn.
So, so thankful for family!